From the moment you find out you’re expecting, a whirlwind of emotions can swirl in: excitement about becoming a parent, nervousness about what to do beforehand, and eagerness for your bundle of joy to arrive.
Yet, you’ll need to organize and make space for your new addition. Proper storage can help. Let our team at Saf Keep Storage show you how storage solutions and organizing your home can help you prepare for a new baby.
Create a Newborn Essentials Checklist
When preparing for a new baby, a good first step is to make an essential items checklist. Take input from your family and see what you can get as hand-me-downs. Every baby is different, so certain items may fall to the wayside as you go. Some items to consider off the bat include:
- Crib or bassinet
- Changing table and pad
- Diapers and wipes
- Towels and washcloths
- Onesies and socks
- Carrier
- Stroller
Tips for Baby Storage
Once you develop a list of essential items, it’s time to get organized. Think through your soon-to-be daily routine and develop a proper organization plan. Here are four storage tips to help streamline the process of newborn baby preparation.
1. Decluttering Your Home Regularly
As you develop your nursery, you’ll find more items you wonder why you even have. Dedicate some time to declutter and organize your home. Categorize each item into either a donate or keep pile. Make sure you throw out as little as possible since some items your baby might not need are another child’s treasure.
Continue to declutter routinely after the baby arrives. Toys and clothing will pile up fast. Reduce stress by sorting through items on a regular basis before and after your child’s arrival.
2. Label Boxes, Bins, and Everything Else
There will be items you won’t immediately need among your keep pile. One organization hack is to label everything—and when we say everything, we mean it. Place any spare items you want to keep in labeled boxes. We recommend grouping similar items, so you can grab what you need and return it to your child with little disruption.
Looking for materials to store your baby items? Check out our list of packing and moving supplies.
3. Use a Baby Closet Organizer
Throughout your first days of parenthood, your closets will become your best friend. When maximizing closet space, invest in a baby closet or wardrobe. These tools create an organization system and dedicated spot for essential items like clothing, blankets, towels, and diapers.
4. Rent Self Storage
Don’t be afraid to go outside your home for baby storage. Self storage is a great resource for keeping your baby items together in one location. Each storage facility has a unique set of features and amenities to secure your belongings and streamline your storage experience. See which storage unit fits your baby items by browsing our online size guide.
Rent Your Storage Unit at Saf Keep Storage Today
Do you need a storage unit before the baby arrives? Saf Keep Storage has your back! We have many residential storage units across the western United States to help you declutter and organize your home and nursery before the big day. Contact us or find your nearest Saf Keep Storage location online to rent or reserve your storage unit today!