Home Rules and Regulations


These Rules and Regulations apply to a certain Rental Agreement by and between Owner and Occupant as dated below. The Rules and Regulations of the Facility have been provided to the Occupant and are incorporated herein by reference. Owner may change the Rules and Regulations at Owner’s sole discretion with Thirty (30) days’ notice and posting the changes at the entrance of the Facility, without regard for the term of this Agreement, so long as the revised Rules and Regulations apply to all Occupants and are made for the appropriate and efficient operations of the Facility. Occupant’s payment of monthly Rent for the next following period constitutes acceptance of these changes.

  1. Office hours are listed on our Facility Website.
  2. Gate hours are listed on our Facility Website.
  3. Gate and Office Closed: Easter, Juneteenth (SOMA Self Storage location only), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.
  4. Gate and Office Close at 1:00 P.M. on day before Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.
  5. Gate and Office Close at 3:00 P.M. on July 4th.
  6. Compliance with Gate Hours. Management shall refuse permission for unloading of vehicles due to inadequate time to unload prior to gate closing. Management’s decision is final.
  7. Enforcement of After-Hours Violation Rule. Storage personnel are under no obligation to assist Occupants when the Facility’s gates are closed. If the Occupant or a guest of the Occupant is in violation of the Facility’s access hours a $25.00 fee for violating the access hours will be added to the Occupant’s account. Violation will be determined by storage personnel or the security system.
  8. Only one vehicle may enter the gate at a time. Occupant will enter their Gate Access Code when entering or exiting the Facility. Tailgating another vehicle may result in damage to your vehicle or injury to yourself, as well as to the gate and the gate system, and is strictly prohibited and will subject you to a fine listed in the Rental Agreement.
  9. Speed Limit: Do not exceed 5 MPH anywhere on the property.
  10. When loading or unloading Occupant’s Personal Property, Occupant shall park parallel to the building to allow traffic to flow through the aisle way. There is no backing the vehicle straight or on an angle toward the door of the Space. Occupants are prohibited from bringing bike cargo trailers or hitches into the buildings or hallway areas, as they obstruct pathways and pose a fire hazard.
  11. Customer Assistance. For persons with disabilities, assistance opening storage unit doors is available upon request during office hours.
  12. No animals, except for service and assistive animals, are permitted on the Facility.
  13. Safe Facility. Management cares for the safety of its Occupants while they are visiting the Facility. Therefore, Occupants, their invitees or guests must follow instructions and directions of management on where and how to load or unload property, where to park, how to use the elevators, and keeping the aisles and lobbies clear of obstructions.
  14. Children. Parents or guardians of children shall be responsible for maintaining immediate control of their activities by keeping them in close enough proximity to control physically their movements. Occupants failing to comply with this rule must remove their children from the premises.
  15. Unacceptable Conduct. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shouting, yelling, playing loud music, using profanity, fighting, threatening others with harm, careless and reckless conduct posing a danger to persons or property, possessing, or displaying weapons of any kind, sleeping on the property or in a storage unit, bathing or grooming oneself in the bathrooms, refusing to follow directions of Facility personnel and failure to properly supervise guests and family members.
  16. No consumption of alcohol at the Facility or in the Space.
  17. Fire Safety. No open flames of any type such as camping equipment, cutting torches, kerosene lamps, candles, etc. are allowed in or around the storage unit. Space Heaters or any type of portable heating devices are not allowed in or around storage units or office spaces for rent. No smoking of cigarettes, cigars, e-Cigarettes, marijuana, Vaping, chewing tobacco or other items are allowed on the Facility grounds including driveways, entryways, in the storage buildings or storage units. The storage door must remain open while Occupant is using the Space while at the Facility.
  18. Locks. Occupant must put lock on their storage unit upon taking occupancy. All locks shall be equal or superior to the locks sold by Owner. Occupant will replace any lock that may damage the hasp or door, create problems for Owner or other Occupants and does not afford security for the storage unit. Refusal to remove a disapproved lock will result in termination of the lease. Use only one lock on your door.
  19. Owner must approve all lock cuts/drill cuts.
  20. No storage of food at the Facility.
  21. Do not connect refrigerators, freezers, or any items, other than lights to electric outlets. The electricity could be turned off at any time and you must have written permission to use Owner’s electricity.
  22. No outside waste may be brought in. No use of Owner’s dumpster without written permission.
  23. No use of Owner’s dump station without written permission.
  24. Remove all trash and unwanted items in your Space. Do not put any unwanted items in unrented Space(s). Occupant is responsible for the disposal of all items.
  25. No work may be performed on any motor vehicle on Owner’s property including no changing of oil, antifreeze, or other fluids of such vehicles.
  26. Upon vacating the Space, Occupant will remove his/her lock and notify the management office, that Occupant has fully and finally vacated the Space.
  27. No illegal drugs or other contraband may be used or stored in the Space or at the Facility.
  28. No External Storage Containers, PODS, to be delivered or Canopies to be used at the Facility.
  29. WARNING. Rat poison is in all units. Spaces Contain: “Contrac” Rodent Poison with Bromadiolon or “Top Gun Pellet” Rodenticide with Bromethalin. Can be harmful if swallowed. In Case of Emergency, call Poison Control at 800-222-1222.